Saturday, March 28, 2009

chez Coralie

Here are (way too many)(oversized) pictures of my poor little (half) house before we trashed it:
The first few are really big because I just got my camera and didn't realize it was set so high.

Long-term goal is buy the other side when it comes up next and either put my mom in it (because I think it's going to come to that) or rent it out. I figured we can get this one paid off in eleven years if nothing unfortunate happens. and save $80k in interest, even at 4.8%. I don't understand why some people think you shouldn't prepay a mortgage because of the tax deduction. maybe you recoup, like, 25% of it that way depending on your bracket, but I'd rather NOT PAY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

night of the hummingbirds

I got up an hour ago, and my hair is still all poking up out of the night braid. That means it's Saturday. Diet Coke + two Excedrin = Breakfast of Champions.

I sleep on my side, and Eugenia will drape herself over my hip and purr until I wake up. Pushkin is following me around and squeaking. He is currently hemorrhaging on the floor because I won't get down there and rub his tummy. For the fifth time. In an hour.

I should try to clean up downstairs today, but it is hell, and I am lazy. My room is almost done, and the living room is okay, and now I'm not motivated. If it were sunny, I would go walk around the lake, but it is not, and I am lazy. I should probably call my (one girl) friend and see if she's alive and wants to do anything, because she is lonely and her husband is an asshole, but I am a horrible, horrible person and ALSO I AM LAZY. I had a great conversation with Spook Thursday night about how dealing with people all day long at our big-girl jobs takes everything we've got and leaves absolutely nothing left over for social interaction. I guess it's genetic.

Today I will boot up Ada and get the files off it that I didn't do two years ago when Lucretia came. There's a 60-40 chance this will only upset me. I have to drag up one of the old monitors from the garage because all we have up here are the weird new connectors. I just lost all my geek cred because I don't remember what they're called.


(10:35:54) kitsplut:
(10:37:00) Cronrus: I think I threw up a little when I saw the freaking casing was pink.
(10:37:17) kitsplut: HEE HEE HEE HEE

Sunday, March 22, 2009

niji no you ni

WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT ME TO PAINT MY WALLS. They think it needs "color." Girls with chronic blunted affect like eggshell white; it requires very little of me on a daily basis.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what recession

I just bought a $40 wastebasket for my new bathroom.

I don't know if it makes it any better that I also spent $$$$$ for low-flow showerheads and many, many CFL light bulbs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

down to the river and float on home

P.S. I love you I did not put my cat in a bong. I hate Nebraska.

hello kitty has no mouth

Dear new neighbors,

I did not hide from the doorbell because you are black. I hid from the doorbell because ever since I was old enough to be left alone I have refused to answer the door if no one else is home and will lock myself behind as many doors as possible and put my face in a corner until the invaders have retreated. I think you saw me peeking out of my bedroom window as you walked back to your house and hope that you don't hate me like I hate our mutual neighbor who didn't offer to let me use her snowblower when I was shoveling seven inches of snow out of my driveway without gloves on Saturday for the movers. I really do appreciate your effort to inform me that the garage door was up and will leave flowers on your doorstep or bury tiger eye under your mailbox or express my feeling in some other semiautistic fashion as I am wont.


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