Sunday, June 29, 2008

can not cope


I could have gone without power for more than twenty-four hours but ONLY IF MY BRAIN HAD A NETWORK CARD.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I have to quit looking at all of our old toys on eBay because it makes
me Insane. I want there to be a Vintage Toy Library where we can go
revisit our youth for, like, $20 a day. Like an amusement park for
psychologically damaged, regressing eighties children.

Monday, June 23, 2008

blowing in the wind

I would like more than anything in the world to get into Baby with my little pink phone and my pink gym bag with ten pounds of hair product and one change of clothes and drive west to set up a new life in Colorado or wherever she blows the first part. I always hang on to everything until it's rotting in my hands, and I just want to let it go. Let me go.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Medusa on four hours of sleep

It is a damn good thing for some people that they are cute.

the stars, like dust

The Wonder Kitten and her brother HAD NO KIBBLE, and this, of course, is an INTOLERABLE SITUATION. I did not really want to be awake yet, but it is one of the subtle joys of parenthood, I suppose. I think I am going to put in a request for walkies at the lake today rather than the weights class, as all of my internal organs feel like they are coated in a vicious green mucus and are shutting down. Good Morning to You!

Do I go to hell if I spend three hundred dollars on manga but then have the entire collections of Sailormoon, Wedding Peach, and Mermaid Melody?

so maybe I am twelve years old. I-DON'T-CARE.

Friday, June 13, 2008

in which we wallow in self-pity

Yeah, so I was going to do this every day as therapy, or at least a couple times a week. I need to practice the OUTPUT as opposed to the INTAKE so I can become reacquainted with my happy place.

My little sister is probably going to get this fantastic audit job at a CPA firm in Virginia, and my aunt just declined a $150k position at Hitachi. Why did I turn out to be the loser? Because I LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE'S MOUTH NOISES INSTEAD OF TO THE VOICES IN MY HEAD. Why do I always have to be the evil one? I have been told I am "cute, like a little kid." Apparently I look twelve years old, sweet, naive, and innocent. FANTASTIC CAMOUFLAGE, only no one ever takes me seriously, and then they are surprised when my blue finally VOMITS.

But...I am lucky not to be dead in a tornado and not to have suffered damage to any of my possessions and to be faced with the prospect of being able to choose between two job offers and to have a family and friends and the Wonder Kitten who love me and to have running water and air conditioning and long hair and green eyes and three screws in my hip because five hundred years ago they would have left me for dead.