Sunday, March 21, 2010

chase you down until you love me

So, spring. I have pared down the Talons of Doom and am pondering which pastel pink to polish in honor of Easter season. Next weekend will be (Back to the) Egg Time. Hoping to get more than four of twelve blown out successfully this year. Then they will be filled with glitter and thrown at people's houses out my car window. Maybe. I would feel SO MUCH BETTER though.

I walked the 7.4 mile full loop around Zorinsky Lake twice last week. If I weren't nuts, I would stay at Chalco after work and walk that one since I'm there, but the extra 1.4 miles makes all the difference...sure. It's nice to plug into Chiquita and not have to think about anything for an hour and three-quarters or so. I gave up on the running thing until I've shed some more boom, because I can just see Klutzy McBoneless in a cast this time, and no kthx. Finally sucked it up and made the Annual Female Trauma appointment with the doctor I've used since I moved up here, and I am going to ream her out this time if she pisses me off, and then that will be it. I need to remember that I can do this, that no one can be nastier than me if I really put my mind to it. ASK PUNKIN; we used to live together.

I have a full day review for the first part of the CGFM exam in Bellevue on Thursday. I know it's at the (fake) university there but not what building or what room or anything. If I haven't received sufficient e-mail detail by Tuesday, I'm going to start working my way down the phone tree like Donkey Kong Jr. Hoping that there will be no lunch provided, because then I'll have to disappear like a ninja and that will be difficult if I'm still stumbling around with a gutful of snot by then. BOYLIED ABOUT HAVING ALLERGIES; Mom claims this is grounds for justifiable homicide, and I'd consider that but there's a lot of spring yard work I need him to do before I tiptoe in and smother him in his sleep.

Or I could just hire a lawn service.

P and JL were talking about fishing on Friday. I think it would be really neat if you could fish for birds, only I don't think "birding" would be a good name for it, but there could be little helium sacs on the lines instead of the bobbing things that float on the water so they'd stay up in the sky, and you could have kind of a snare trap instead of a hook, and actually what you'd need to do is have a golden ring maybe a foot in diameter with about a thousand lines on it and wear a little glider, and once you'd caught enough birds you could rise up into the sky behind them. Probably it would be better to have someone follow you in a truck like for hot air balloons. So I expounded on this at length, and they were all YES, THIS. Then I went home early because Servicemaster was coming to steam-clean the bathrooms at two, and I took that as a Sign.

The LAST new batch of snow has almost all melted off. Any time now, Mr. Sun. But please don't put on an angry face and attack us like in Mario 3. I'm not ready yet.

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