Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I am full of low-level angst for the last couple of weeks. Not sure if it's the impending change of season or what. I downloaded $40 worth of Britney Spears and Lady Gaga dance remixes. SYMPTOMATIC. don't judge.

Also I got Follow That Bird on DVD at Kroger for $10. Of course I cried. Very calmly. I joke about the blunted affect thing, but sometimes it scares me a little. I still remember when anything mattered at all. I don't know if it's part of the normal aging process.

Boy took me to Ponyo this afternoon. I resent the ending. Girls should not have to give up their magic for boys, because the girls will regret it every moment of the rest of their mortal lives, and the boys won't love them as much when they are no longer magic anyway. I realized just now that this is why The Last Unicorn has always been my favorite - she stays a unicorn in the end.


Other than that...still employed and housed. Still driving Baby, after a recent infusion of $1000 worth of platinum parts and Hello Kitty floor mats. I intend to be buried in that car.

Talked to Mlle Bisquitte for 2.5 hours last Wednesday night. I guess all is forgiven. Bitch.

I'm going home again when the leaves start to turn so Dad can drive me slowly mad. JL had the Nebraska Wild Game Cookbook, circa 1980, on her desk today, so I scanned in and e-mailed him the page with recipes for fried muskrat and raccoon casserole as ideas for Thanksgiving. Recession cuisine?

I will never forget my first Thanksgiving at my old job, when Mark-Mark came into my office with this giant frozen turkey and a big old grin on his face and said, "I hope you're not vegetarian!" I almost wish I'd seen my face. Maybe I'll finally get a Tofurkey this year. Sandy would probably eat it. Those are expensive, though. Last year I ordered vegetarian dinner for four at Whole Foods and picked it up to take home. THAT was expensive, but it could have fed eight easily.

Eugenia takes naps that bend time-space. She yawns, and universes crumble. She is my true child. I have a lovely ladybug costume for her Halloween.

one two three
four five six
seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve
ladybugs came
to the ladybugs' picnic

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