Saturday, May 9, 2009

I picture empty skies in my dreams

Today I made amazing progress in cleaning downstairs; now it looks like somewhere I might want to live. This was fabulous except when I realized the box with the old PS2 keyboards and mice and spare power cables was now on the bottom of the pile in the closet under the stairs. WHICH I NEEDED to resurrect Ada and then blow my eardrums out converting tape to mp3, because I cannot let well enough alone.

I just permitted boy to squirt things up my nose, so I can breathe for the next thirty minutes. I should use this opportunity to go to bed, but that is not likely.

Alexis sleeps quietly in his blanket in the box of peaches. I have no bacta tank or healing crystal for his mortal wounds so have sewn him up the best I can and must let time work a miracle. We will wake him when we are ready. I lie on the floor next to the windows and listen to the sky.

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