Thursday, April 30, 2009

I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins

Saturday was the rain date for Earth Day Omaha, so JL and I went to Elmwood Park and sat in the misty drizzle from two to four, handing out white pine seedlings. I have a huge tray of purple coneflower seeds in my car still if anyone is interested.

Poor JL. She loves me even though I'm not always socially acceptable; she told me my hair is the color of tiger eye without any prompting at all. I told her and my other minion this morning about the time when Punkin and I were sharing a dorm room and got this little snowglobe kit. We stayed up until three in the morning making snowglobes full of glitter and tiny plastic farm animals and baby doll parts. Dismembered floating hands and feet. Then I had to tell about the abandoned barn near my grandma's house that was full of mannequin hands and feet, so there would be some context for the snowglobes. I still want a fishbowl full of Barbie heads, but I think I stole that from a movie.

There was also the time we took turns wearing her lavender pageboy wig and danced all over for the webcam. I really miss back when the Internet was for geeks and not tainted by the common people. I miss MS-DOS.


I somehow have drowned my hard drive down to one gig remaining. Am going install a ONE TERABYTE drive. I am quite threatened by this actually and am trying to remember if I was terrified of my first gigabyte.

The tree in the front yard is definitely maple. I'm still not sure about the two in back. There is some kind of apple tree across the street whose blossoms I covet. I can't decide if I would want to be that kind of tree, or birch, or willow. I have eaten of the golden apples of the sun, and now no mortal man may hold me.

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